Meet at the Corner of Simpson and Army Reserve Roads
9 am
The extension of Simpson Road leads from Army Reserve Road to the Lake. About one-quarter of the way to the Lake we will take a detour to the wetland created by a large berm established in the 1980s by Ducks Unlimited. This wet area is often the home of secretive Marsh Wrens and Virginia Rails. The marshy panne areas at the base of the berm host various amphibians and reptiles. We may see frogs and turtles. Back on the road to the Lake we pass through meadow areas and wet forests. We will look for migrating Monarchs and dragonflies. There will be early fall wildflowers in bloom.
As always in the County we must be aware of the possibility of ticks and there will most certainly be poison ivy. Be sure to wear sturdy footwear. We will be walking on an unmaintained road surface that can be rough and rutted.
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