📸 John Lowry - American Lady - Prince Edward County South Shore, Sept 2024

Advancing Biodiversity Protection involves gathering species data, developing reports and building awareness about Species at Risk as well as the area’s rare and fragile ecosystem, citizen science activities, a stewardship program and more! South Shore Joint Initiative’s commitment to Biodiversity Protection leads several projects, including the creation of Species at Risk Guide, participating in Biolitzes, Wild Thing education program and the newest addition on iNaturalist platform, titled “Biodiversity of Prince Edward County’s ‘South Shore.’’

SSJI's iNaturalist project - “Biodiversity of Prince Edward County’s ‘South Shore'" - provides an online citizen science created database of species identified in the South Shore.

Wild Thing is SSJI's natural history education program. We also collect data and images specific to Prince Edward County's South Shore on Monarchs through our Monarch Monitoring activities and on Wild Flowers

SSJI's Species at Risk Guide provides information, descriptions and fun facts about the Species at Risk that have been documented living in and using the fragile habitats of the South Shore.

Starting in 2014, Prince Edward County Field Naturalists have held annual BioBlitzes in areas of the South Shore to document the species identified over a unique 24-hour period.