We were lucky to have two special guests on our stroll. Paul Jones, an expert on everything birdy and especially on the Gull Pond/Charwell Point area and Herb Cooper, lifelong County resident and sometime commercial fisher.
Paul was able to point out several more unusual avian species along the way such as Rusty Blackbirds, Bohemian Waxwings and Sandhill Cranes. The total tally of species recorded was 29! We enjoyed hearing the male Ruffed Grouse start up his mating call engine. We were thrilled to see a small flock of Bonaparte Gulls.
Herb entertained us with tales of his fishing exploits with his father and brothers. Herb's father was also a lighthouse keeper on Main Duck Island and there were some stories from that special place when it was owned by John Foster Dulles.
The Gull Pond outlet was flowing energetically blocking our way to Charwell Point. However, that did not deter our enjoyment of our stroll. We learned a lot along the way and visited one of the remote areas of Point Petre Provincial Wildlife Area.
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