Saturday March 20 (rain date Sunday March 21)
9 am
Celebrate the vernal equinox with a South Shore Stroll!
We will meet at the corner of Charwell Point Road and Army Reserve Road and stroll to the Lighthall Berm.
Early spring migrants such as Common Grackles and Red-winged Blackbirds should be around. Looking over the berm into the marsh we might spy Tree Swallows swooping for insects. Depending on the temperature we may find early emerging Turtles such as the iconic Blanding’s or Painted Turtle. Mourning Cloaks are the one of first butterfly species to emerge.
Mourning Cloak photo Dale Smith
Strolling at this time of year requires foot wear that is water proof – there will be many puddles, some quite large. Please be prepared.
All welcome
To register please RSVP.
Note: Please only indicate anyone other than yourself as a guest.
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