The final South Shore Stroll for 2021 will take place on Saturday December 4 starting at 9 am. Inclement weather will mean delaying our stroll until Sunday December 5.
We will meet at the corner of Army Reserve Road and Simpson Road. Note that the easiest access to this corner is down Simpson Road from Cty Rd 24.
Our stroll will take us down Simpson Road to the lake with a brief side trip to the Simpson Road Ducks Unlimited impoundment. We will look for winter birds. There should be Robins, Blue Jays and Juncos along with Chickadees in the bushes and trees. It is not unusual to also find Yellow-rumped Warblers and Golden and Ruby Crowned Kinglets at this time of year. In the impoundment we may find some late shorebirds. At the Lake we will be able to see wintering ducks - Longtails, Scaup and White-winged Scoters.
It will be important to wear water resistant footwear for this Stroll.
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