One of the most important ways we can build public awareness about the South Shore is by telling stories and sharing photographs about the area.

We post content on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin featuring photos and stories that people have generously shared with us. We include articles written by our partners in conservation, members and enthusiastic supporters in our bi-monthly newsletter “The South Shoreliner”.

What's your story about Prince Edward County’s South Shore? Did you grow up learning all that there is to offer along the trails? Maybe you're a visitor who enjoys the peacefulness of Lake Ontario's waves hitting the shore.

If you would like to share your stories about the area or your photos, email us!


Watch South Shore Stories

Launched in 2020, our South Shore Joint Initiative YouTube channel is home to recordings of SSJI Presents webinars as well as select partner webinars. If you want to learn more about what makes the South Shore so special, we invite you to subscribe to our channel and watch these popular videos!

Have an idea for a webinar? Email us and tell us about it!


Clouds and Crowds: How the NHIC Is Engaging Community Scientists to Improve Knowledge of Biodiversity
Flashback February 2022: Danger Death and Discovery: Three Point Petre Stories

Charwell Point - Birds on the southern shore with Paul Jones (PECFN)

County Dragons I Have Known by David Bree

Prince Edward County's Natural Cover Working Group with Ewa Bednarczuk

What are Provincially Significant Wetlands and how are they evaluated with Jacki Hansford

Sprague, Stabb, and Stagg 3 Different Trails to Becoming Naturalists

Beauty Close to Home with Kyle Blaney

Save OUR South Shore - help us protect more of Prince Edward County!

Flashback February: House Restoration Philosophy, Principles and Q&A with Edwin Rowse

History of the South Shore with Les Stanfield (PECFN AGM Presentation)

SSJI Presents: Invasive Species in the South Shore IBA with Amanda Tracey

SSJI Presents: Terry Sprague in Conversation with Pamela Stagg

SSJI Presents: What is a Conservation Reserve?