When November 07, 2020 at 9:00am 3 hrs
Where Moses Hudgin Log House
Contact Cheryl Anderson [email protected]

Stroll Ostrander Point Road on Saturday November 7 (rain date Sunday November 8)

Meeting place: Moses Hudgin Log House

Keeping up with our investigations of the South Shore Important Bird and Biodiversity Area we will stroll along the northern edge of Ostrander Point Crown Land Block.  The road leads from Babylon Road to the lake.  On one side of the road is the Ostrander Point Crown Land Block and the on other side is the Hudgin-Rose Nature Reserve owned by Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC).

We will meet at the Moses Hudgin Log House – about .8 km down Ostrander Point Road from Babylon Road.  The Moses Hudgin Log House was built in 1865 and was the home of three generations of the Hudgin Family.  A Restoration Committee is currently fund raising to restore the house so that it may be used as a field house and small museum.  More information about the history of the house and committee’s activities may be found at: https://www.ssji.ca/history_heritage_i-erjthlezpjpxuwiigq5a  

  We will briefly explore the NCC property and then follow the road to the lake.  We will take time to talk about the various habitats of the Crown Land Block and the Hudgin-Rose property.  We will look for and identify birds that typically spend the winter months in the County.  We should see Blue Jays, Black-capped Chickadees, White-crowned Sparrows, Downey Woodpeckers and if we are lucky, Eastern Bluebirds.

When we get to the Lake, we should be able to see the some of waterfowl that normally visit us in the winter.  With luck we will see Long-tailed Ducks, White-wing Scoters, Lesser Scaup, Buffleheads and Red-breasted Mergansers.  A scope will be provided so that we all get a chance to see the water fowl.

The road often has large puddles that cover its surface.  Waterproof footwear is highly recommended.

Back at the Hudgin House you will have the opportunity to purchase the Restoration Committee’s elegant cards, suitable for Christmas and the lovely small wooden decoration that has been uniquely designed for the House. 

Please go to https://www.ssji.ca/order_hudgin_house_cards_and_decorations for more information about how to order the cards and/or the decoration.


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