We look forward to seeing you at SSJI’s Fall Symposium
Protecting the Provincial Public Lands
Saturday November 30, 2019
10 am – 3 pm
Picton Town Hall, corner of Ross and King Streets.
Here's the Agenda ...
9:30 – 10:00 am registration, coffee and muffins
10:00 am Welcome and introductions John Hirsch, SSJI President
10:20 - 12 noon Protecting the South Shore
How did we get here? – The historical context and intentions for Point Petre Provincial Wildlife Area and Ostrander Point Crown Land Block - Les Stanfield
Les worked with the Ministry of Natural Resources for nearly 30 years, most of that time in Prince Edward County where he lives and plays. For much of his career he worked on trying to understand the historical factors that caused Atlantic salmon to disappear in Lake Ontario. This required a deep dive into Ontario’s jaded history that created a deep appreciation for the intimate relationship between human activity and the environment. Les looks through issues with one eye on the past and one on the future as we work towards repairing past damages and building more resilient eco-healthy communities in the future.
The Oak Ridges Moraine story - Graham Whitelaw
Dr. Whitelaw is an associate professor and Queen’s National Scholar Professor Whitelaw holding appointments in both the School of Environmental Studies and the School of Urban and Regional Planning. His main research interests are environment and sustainability, focused primarily on three interrelated themes: regional planning, monitoring and environmental assessment. Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan
12 noon- 1:30 Lunch, outdoor recreation. Soup, beverages provided. Bring your own sandwich
1:30 -2:00 Moving forward
Species at Risk on the South Shore and management plans to protect them and conserve their habitat - Mark Stabb, Program Director, Central Ontario-East, Ontario Region Nature Conservancy of Canada
2 – 2:30 Indigenous perspective towards Land Protection (to be confirmed)
2:30– 3 pm Drawing the map – an interactive activity to engage participants in visualizing the South Shore. Participants asked to draw places on the SS that are important to them – such as where they walk, bike, hunt, fish or bird watch, walking/biking trails, dark sky reserve.
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