Join the Moses Hudgin Log House Restoration Committee on Saturday September 19 (Rain date September 20) on the House grounds to view plans for the House restoration. Display boards will detail the planned restoration of the House. Restoration architect Edwin Rowse will give a short talk about the house and members of the committee will be available to answer questions.
Built in 1860 with White Cedar logs on a 100-acre property the Hudgin House displays architectural features common in the County by 1860: a steep pitched roof, a certain arrangement of windows and the ‘County’ chimney with its projecting brick band. The House was designated under the Ontario Heritage Act in 2011. Restoration will be funded by a combination of grants and donations from interested individuals and family members. Once restored the House will be available as a field house for nature-based surveys of the South Shore and a small museum.
The land offered limited pasture and marginal agriculture. However, Moses was able to farm 30 acres of rye, buckwheat, corn, potatoes and turnips. The family was also able to access Lake Ontario at the end of their narrow lot for fishing and sailing.
The event is a celebration of the beginning of fund raising for the restoration. There will be a small silent auction as well as the opportunity to get involved in a sealed bid auction on a Dick Bird Hand Made Cedar Strip and Canvas canoe.
To ensure social distancing requirements two sessions will be held with a capacity of 30 people for each session. Registration is required for either of two time slots 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM or 2:45 PM to 4:00 PM.
Please RSVP indicating your preferred time slot.
Please note: When indicating the number of people in your party you are one person and those accompanying you are guests. For example: a couple is the name of the person registering plus 1 guest
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