This summer the Moses Hudgin Log House was honoured with a reproduction at Birdhouse city.  The Log House sits proudly on its pole with a unique hand made sign.  The House is already in use, but probably not by birds.  Judging by the expanded opening and signs of grasses it is probable that it has become a home for red squirrels.

MHLH Birdhouse at Picton Birdhouse City (Photo: Cheryl Anderson)

This description of Bird House City is from the Quinte Conservation web site:

“Birdhouse City is a miniature community of purposeful and whimsical hand-crafted birdhouses depicting the unique character, culture, and history of Prince Edward County. Each birdhouse rests high on its own platform and pole and provides a safe place for birds to nest. Located at the Macaulay Mountain Conservation area just outside of Picton, the City offers a one-of-a-kind, outdoor experience for people of all ages. The late Doug Harns, a former superintendent with the Prince Edward Region Conservation (now Quinte Conservation) had a gift working with wood and it was through his creativity that Birdhouse City was born. Starting with a massive birdhouse replica of the historic Massassauga Park Hotel, the City was created when it was decided that if one birdhouse looked good, then a few more would look better. The City was designed as a community involvement project. Numerous schools, businesses, individuals, and groups built birdhouses that were mostly reproductions of Prince Edward County’s historic buildings and other recognizable structures. Since its creation in 1980, Birdhouse City has become a well-loved attraction, drawing in thousands of people each year. Birdhouse City is managed by volunteers in partnership with Quinte Conservation and with the generous support of the community. As time and elements take their toll on the City, houses are restored and rebuilt by volunteers. The City relies solely on donated labour and materials to support this ongoing work.”

Birdhouse City is worth a visit.  The work of the many recent volunteers is exemplified by the several new houses and the obvious restoration of some of the older examples.  Macauley Conservation area has many walking trails and is a good spot for birding in all seasons.

MHLH Birdhouse with Squirrel (Photo: Cheryl Andersom)