Media release
June 1, 2023
For immediate release
SSJI Art Extravaganza Launch
Saturday June 10, 2 pm to 4 pm
Milford Town Hall*
All Welcome
South Shore Joint Initiative (SSJI) announces the launch of Art Extravaganza. County artists have contributed pieces for sale to benefit SSJI. The artistic pieces have a focus on the beautiful natural habitat of Prince Edward County. Artists were contacted over the spring to contribute to this fund-raising endeavour. Approximately 30 individuals responded, providing pieces in a variety of mediums, sizes and themes. All pieces are reasonably priced under $600. Artists will receive 30% of the sale price of their piece and a tax receipt for the remaining 70%.
A sampling of the beautiful items for sale may be seen in downtown Picton. Displayed in the Blue Sale Restaurant are Bert Jenkins’ evocative photos of the South Shore. Diane Cole’s mystical interpretations of West Lake may be viewed in the windows of Williamson Insurance. Look into the window at Rosehaven Yarn shop to see SaraLou Miller’s mixed media piece Metamorphosis. Contact information for purchase is available at these venues.
Some artists have generously offered their works without commission. Of special note are two donations. Jason Pettit has gifted SSJI with his framed photograph Point Petre. Laurie McRae donated a beautiful watercolour of Salmon Point Light House by Rita Brooks.
Local contributing artists are too many to mention, but for example buyers can find pieces by: Andrew Casafordi, Rosemary Brown, Veronica Cluett and Celia Sage among the art for sale.
Volunteer project convenors Carole Falkner and Kathy O’Connell comment “expanding SSJI’s partnerships to include the Arts Council and its members is key to building a true County coalition of support for protecting the natural habitat of our South Shore. We are delighted with the response to our appeal to the County’s artistic community”.
The art will be for sale at SSJI’s booth at the Eddie Farmers’ Market every Saturday throughout the summer beginning on June 24. In addition, buyers can view and buy the pieces online at:
SSJI is grateful for the cooperation of the Prince Edward County Arts Council, the Picton Business Improvement Association and the Bloomfield Area Business Association.
* Note change of venue
For information:
Cheryl Anderson
Vice President SSJI
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