First stroll of 2023
Until the early 21st century Prince Edward Point and Harbour hosted a thriving commercial fishery. Remnants of the fishing huts and net drying equipment remain. One or two commercial fishing operations continue to use the harbour. The exterior of the heritage-designated lighthouse is protected against the elements but it awaits interior restoration. If you’re interested in learning more about this landmark and taking action on preserving it for future use, please get in touch with us! The adjacent shed is important as a nesting place for threatened Barn Swallows – one of 39 species at risk featured in our new Guide.
Mark Paddison, the caretaker of the Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area, led us along the beach from the Lighthouse and back around from the shore through a snow-covered meadow to meet our original path. Along the shore, we were able to see a couple of so-called ice volcanoes their crystalline “lava” glistening in the sun.
Dale Smith tallied birds as we walked. Here is his list: 3 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Merganser, 2 Ring-billed Gull, 1 Bald Eagle – Juvenile, 1 Blue Jay, 3 American Crow, 3 Black-capped Chickadee, 50 Bohemian Waxwing -- Conservative estimate.
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