When April 09, 2022 at 9:00am 2 hrs
Where Charwell Point Road
Contact Cheryl Anderson [email protected]

 Turtle Walk

Charwell Point Road and Army Reserve Road

 Saturday April 9, 9 am. Rain Date Sunday April 10,9 am

Early April is a great time to find emerging turtles. We will walk down Charwell Point Road to the area of the Lighthall Berm and walk into the dam area. There are several large puddles in the roadway that are great hiding places for Blanding's and Snapping Turtles. Unfortunately use of the puddles exposes the turtles to vehicle tires. If we find turtles we will move them out of the road to a safer place.

At the Lighthall impoundment we can look for early swallows, waterfowl and raptors. Bring binoculars if you have them. Be sure to wear water resistant footwear and bring water and a snack.

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