The South Shore of Prince Edward County
Prince Edward County’s unique South Shore spans 26 km and is the last undeveloped stretch of Lake Ontario’s Northern shoreline. The South Shore’s Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) is a refuge for millions of birds and dozens of species at risk. Among its diverse biological environments are rare areas of Alvar. The South Shore is home to the new Monarch Point Conservation Reserve as well as several other protected areas.
The South Shore Footpath Project (SSFP)
Mission: Work with landowners, stakeholders and engage the community to plan, establish and maintain a South Shore Footpath that connects people with nature that will, in turn, help preserve the South Shore’s biodiversity.
What the SSFP is:
❖ A footpath, for walking on lands only where voluntary permission is granted
❖ A designated route, monitored by dedicated volunteers
❖ Enjoyable walks shared by nature lovers
❖ Focused on protection and preservation
What the SSFP is NOT:
❖ A trail for ATVs and bikes
❖ A random ramble through any area
❖ Uncontrolled access to places where the public should not go
❖ A place to disrespect nature and animals
❖ Does not alter individual property rights
The South Shore Footpath Team:
❖ Works in collaboration and cooperation with landowners and partners and funders
❖ Is a group of volunteers who are respectful in all their interactions
❖ SSJI or SSFP are not in the business of land acquisition
❖ Will not interfere with existing recreational activities that are permitted
Public Benefits of SSFP
• Biodiversity Protection: Research and experience with similar projects like the renowned Bruce Trail, has shown that as we connect people to nature, their
understanding and appreciation for nature grows. And, as that appreciation grows, so does the desire to respect and protect these valuable areas. A footpath along the South Shore of Prince Edward County will do that by allowing people to share this fragile ecosystem.
• Education and Discovery: The South Shore Footpath will educate visitors and arouse their curiosity through the simple act of taking a pleasant walk outdoors. Some will encounter things they have never seen before. Others will build on existing knowledge. First-hand experience of the plants, animals,
birds and terrain will increase appreciation for the biodiversity of the South Shore and raise awareness of the importance of conservation.
• Affordable and Sustainable Recreation: The South Shore Footpath will promote free, sustainable recreation, allowing walkers to immerse themselves in the area’s stunning natural beauty. They will encounter a fascinating ecosystem through all seasons while treading lightly to preserve its pristine condition for generations to come.
• Building Community Pride: The South Shore Footpath will invite the Prince Edward County community to feel a connection to this exceptional area. This
will instill a sense of pride and ownership for local people as they explore, learn about, and appreciate this invaluable natural legacy on Lake Ontario.
• Improved Wellness: The South Shore Footpath will provide visitors with a relaxing and revitalizing experience. The benefits of time spent in nature are
scientifically proven. Personal health and mental wellness – including reduced stress, improved mood, enhanced cognitive function, and overall wellbeing –
are known positive outcomes of contact with the natural world for people of all ages.
Landowners Benefits of SSFP
• Help protect the land you love: Land that is routinely monitored will, by default, benefit from greater protection.
• Stewardship of your Property: The SSFP team is planning a Stewardship Program for the footpath. This will offer the potential for individual land assessment and ongoing stewardship including identifying species at risk, invasive species, addressing illegal dumping and undesirable damage to property.
• Collaborative Experience: At every step, including planning, building and ongoing management all landowners will be an essential part of the process.
• Intrinsic Reward: A sense of self-satisfaction knowing you are part of building something to protect the South Shore that you can enjoy every day.
• Making a Difference: Your consent is the first step in creating a lasting legacy that will be enjoyed by your children, your grandchildren and beyond.
For more information or to inquire about partnering on this important project, please contact the
SSFP Team at [email protected].
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