Walk the PEC South Shore Footpath June 22
Join us at Mariners Park Museum for a day packed with live music, kids activities, and fun for everyone!
Keen to walk? While online reservations are fully booked, walk-ins are welcome. Scroll down to see all walk descriptions and times. Visit the Registration Desk on Saturday to learn more.
We can't wait to see you, your friends, family and neighbours to explore the PEC South Shore on Saturday, June 22, 2024 for all-ages activities and learnings at Mariners Park Museum, 2065 County Rd 13, Milford
Enjoy the great outdoors of the PEC South Shore as well as:
- Free guided tours through scenic South Shore conserved and public lands (see schedule and register below)
- Information booths – learn about the South Shore Footpath, local environmental initiatives & more!
- Big Mike’s BBQ – a PEC smokehouse favourite since 2016
- Kyra & Tully – a singer/songwriting duo who are working on a new release featuring “This is our Time,” a song inspired by the South Shore
- Fearless Love – Carol Love and Joe Martin
- Free fun activities for kids (ages 4-12):
Explore our Living World 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Face Painting 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Make Your Badge 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Make a Turtle 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Nature Drawing 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Drumming Circle 11:00 am & 11:45 am
Pack your most comfy walking shoes, hats, lawn chairs, beverages, insect and tick repellent, and sunscreen and plan to make June 22 South Shore Footpath Day a memory you won’t forget.
Discover how the PEC South Shore Footpath will benefit us all on June 22! RSVP below!
The PEC South Shore Footpath is a project of South Shore Joint Initiative (SSJI), a volunteer-led Canadian registered charity. Founded in 2018 by national, provincial and local partners, SSJI’s mission is to educate and advocate for the protection, preservation and restoration of South Shore lands and waters. For more information contact Geoff Craig, South Shore Footpath Project Leader.
*Please select the email update option while registering to receive updates about this event, future events, and our newsletter (see our privacy policy here).
Click here for walk descriptions!
June 22 walks:
10:30 AM Old Tower Road
11:00 AM Point Petre
11:30 AM Point Traverse
2:30 PM Point Petre
3:00 PM Point Traverse
Join us at Mariners Park Museum for a day packed with live music, kids activities, and fun for everyone!
Let us know if you're coming below.
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