Beauty on the Wing: Life Story of the Monarch Butterfly
Friday June 23, 1 pm
with introduction by Director Kim Smith
Tickets $10
This 56-minute narrated film unfolds along the shores of Cape Ann in Massachusetts and in the heart of Mexico’s forested volcanic mountains. Every stage of the butterfly’s life cycle is experienced in vibrant close-up, from mating to egg to caterpillar to adult, and set against the backdrop of sea and forest, sun and wind.
No other butterflies in the world journey thousands of miles over such a vast area. Monarchs do not see borders, religion, ethnicities, or political differences. They are a symbol of unity, ecologically linking Canada and Mexico, and nearly every region within the United States. Prince Edward Point on the County's South Shore is one of only three International Monarch Reserves in Canada.
Recently designated as internationally endangered Monarchs are in great peril. Although the butterfly’s spectacular migration evolved over millennia, the last decades of human activity have put this phenomenon in grave danger. “Beauty on the Wing” is a film for all ages, created for all to gain a deeper understanding of the symbiotic relationship between habitats, wildflowers, and pollinators, and the vital role they play in our interconnected ecosystems.
Register for this event by sending an email to [email protected]. This event is free for schools.
Register for a classroom visit (Kindergarten to Grade two) or request Monarch resources for Grades, 2,3,4 or 6 by email to Cheryl Chapman [email protected]
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